Ever Evolving

People drift around unconsciously doing things, getting things done, thinking thoughts that cloud the beauty of the only thing that is real, and that is this moment. The simple things that happen when life breathes through you. The taste of an apple; the smell of fresh lavender; preparing a simple meal; wet grass in the morning; hearing the stillness of a moment. It is time passing by without many of us enjoying the very essence of that single moment. I am listening and seeing. I am becoming more mindful and it's changing my reality.
People come in and out of our lives. It seems every connection we have makes up a fabric of our lives in some way or another. Some people touch our spirit more than others. Sometimes we share a little time, sometimes we share a lot. Why do people waste the time they share caught up with old stories and ideas or expectations of what they label it to be that prevent them from just simply sharing time and cherishing the simplicity? As I go through this journey it has become clear to me that the old cliche "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" holds much truth. I want to Be the change I want to see in the world. I feel I am awakening to many transitions simultaneously taking me along a path so that I may continue to evolve. It is calm. And it is peaceful.
Having emerged from the chrysalis, the butterfly will usually sit on the empty shell to expand and harden it's wings. This butterfly is spreading her wings. Seeing things for the first time; listening, feeling, touching, consciously and presently. Becoming aware of this has made all the noise go away. It's a practice, but only by practice can I realize that this moment is the most beautiful and joyous moment of all.


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