Look within

I read this today and wanted to share:

"In life you will realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, and some will teach you. But most important are the ones that bring out the best in you. Those are the ones worth keeping around."

Its kind of elementary but sometimes that realization doesn't click until you have been tested, used, or taught something you might not have realized before. And yet, sometimes you meet someone and just don't understand their purpose for connection. I suppose I just recently met someone that I thought I had a real deep connection with and it seems to have just flittered away as though it never existed. I asked myself, "Did I do something wrong?" It's all in the eyes. Perhaps I should have understood it the last time I saw this person, whom I seem to have met during a particularly difficult and transitional time in my life. I spent some moments with this person that made me realize some very important things about myself. One of those things was that I need to stop looking externally for fulfillment and look within. I may have acted in ways that confused this person, but I am grateful that he helped me to understand something new about myself, and just from that, evolve a little more.


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